September 22, 2021

Tips For Your Garden

Your September to-do list for a healthy garden

Use organic fertilizer to help control winter weeds.

Bed preparation is essential for successful food crops. (Howard Garrett / Special Contributor)

Bed preparation is essential for successful food crops. (Howard Garrett / Special Contributor)

Outdoor space

Does your lawn need an upgrade? Plant Bermuda grass by seed no later than early September. Solid sod of all grasses can be planted any time. Cool-season grasses such as ryegrass and fescue can be planted in the later part of the month.(Howard Garrett / Special Contributor)

Apply whole ground cornmeal at 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet for fungal diseases in turf.

For webworms, tent caterpillars, armyworms and cabbage loopers, spray Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) or spinosad products. Add 1 ounce of molasses per gallon of spray for increased effectiveness. Make a note to release trichogramma wasps next spring.

Apply beneficial nematodes for grubworms if necessary, but realize that only 10% of the grubs you see are harmful to plants. Dry molasses will also help and control fire ants. Spray aphids with garlic or garlic pepper tea. Spinosad can also be used. Add 1 ounce of molasses per gallon of spray.

Treat black spot and powdery mildew with hydrogen peroxide, and see the Organic Rose Program on For trees in stress with yellow leaves, mistletoe, sapsucker damage, dead tip growth and other symptoms, apply the entire Sick Tree Treatment.

Avoid the toxic chemical pre-emergents. Organic weed control results from healthy soil, thick healthy plants, fertilizing with corn gluten meal and spot-spraying natural organic weed controls such as strong vinegar.

Mow weekly, and leave the clippings on the lawn.

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